Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Ubuntu 12.04 post upgrade process with Zend Server and Zend Framework 1

After upgrading Ubuntu Server to version 12.04, your web application based on ZendServer will stop working. The reason is that newly upgraded Apache 2 web server is incompatible with your Zend Server. So if you don't want to go through a painful process of compiling the right version of Apache 2 to work with your Zend Server, you can instead remove the Zend Server and just use the Zend Framework. You will lose the goodies of Zend Server - but if sole Zend Framework is enough to run your site, these steps will get you there. Note that these instructions apply to Zend Framework 1.

Remove Zend Server

sudo apt-get remove zend-server-ce-php-5.3

Backup apache configuration

cd /etc/apache2/
mkdir ~/apache2-backup
cp -R * ~/apache2-backup/

Get rid of any remnants of previous installation of php5 and Zend Server

sudo apt-get remove php5
sudo apt-get autoremove

Install php5 (plus optional extensions)

sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql php5-gd

Download and unzip Zend Framework 1 to shared location

sudo cp /usr/local/zend/share/
cd /usr/local/zend/share/
sudo unzip
sudo rm

Include path to the Zend Framework in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

include_path = ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/local/zend/share/ZendFramework/library"

In my case I also updated these variables in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

post_max_size = 32M
upload_max_filesize = 32M

As a side note to the Ubuntu Server 12.04 upgrade, I also had to modify my Apache 2 configuration in ssl-default file to change ServerName from .local to fully qualified domain name like I also added ServerAlias